The Games for a Living native token $GFAL will be available to the public to purchase and trade on Monday the 13th of March 2023 at 14:00 UTC.
You can buy $GFAL via PancakeSwap, Bit2Me, and Bitmart.
$GFAL Contract Adress: 0x47c454cA6be2f6DEf6f32b638C80F91c9c3c5949
- Decimals: 18
- Name: Games for a Living
- Symbol: GFAL
Please note: Games for a Living is a BNB Smart Chain project. Please make sure you have selected BNB Smart Chain in your wallet. Details on how to do this are below.
In this blog, we will be going through:
- How to buy (create a wallet, contract address, etc.)
- Where to buy (PancakeSwap, Bit2Me, and Bitmart)
- How to create a wallet (MetaMask, TrustWallet, Sequence, etc)
How to buy $GFAL
Step 1
To buy $GFAL, you will need to have a crypto wallet. You can use MetaMask, Sequence, Trust Wallet, and more.
Create a Wallet guide:
Connect your Wallet guide:
Remember you must add and use the BNB Smart Chain before adding any tokens.
Step 2
Ensure you have BEP20-compatible tokens. You can choose to either Bridge ERC20 tokens or use a Centralized Exchange (CEX) to transfer tokens.
Details on how to do this can be found here:
Remember — it is necessary to have a little $BNB in your wallet for gas fees!
Now you have the funds and wallet ready to purchase $GFAL.
Where to buy $GFAL
You can purchase $GFAL from either PancakeSwap, Bit2Me, or Bitmart.
Buy $GFAL on Pancakeswap here:
To swap on PancakeSwap, users will need $USDT.
Getting started with PancakeSwap
Get started with a Defi Wallet and BNB Smart Chain:
If you are using MetaMask you will have to add the BNB Smart Chain before adding tokens. Details on how to do this:
Get BEP20 tokens. You can choose to either Bridge ERC20 tokens or use a CEX to transfer tokens. Details on how to do this can be found here:
Connect wallet:
How to swap:
If you are having trouble with seeing the $GFAL token in PancakeSwap or in your TW or MM Wallets: you will need to add the Token:
In PancakeSwap do this by pasting the Contract Address into the Token Field or with MANAGE TOKENS.
You may have to wait for some time when PancakeSwap is slow — Just be patient!
Buy $GFAL on BitMart here:
Getting started with BitMart
Get started:
Beginners’ handbook:
Buy & Sell Crypto:
Spot & Margin Trading:
BitMart FAQs:
You may have to wait for some time when BitMart is slow — Just be patient!
Buy $GFAL on Bit2Me here:
To buy from Bit2Me, users must be registered in Bit2Me and have passed the registration process.
Getting started with Bit2Me
Wallet support:
General support: